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10 Common Weight Loss Mistakes from A Dietitians Perspective

By Alexandra Solomon – Accredited Practising Dietitian

As a specialised dietitian in weight support and bariatric procedures, I’ve noticed some pitfalls that patients often stumble upon.  

Let’s shed some light on these 10 common weight loss mistakes: 

1.Unrealistic weight loss goals 

So, you’ve set an ambitious target to lose 8kg in a month. While the determination is commendable, aiming for such rapid weight loss might hinder your progress. Crash diets and extreme workout routines might provide quick results initially, but they’re difficult to maintain long-term. Set yourself up for success by focusing on gradual progress, aiming for around 0.5kg per week.   

2.Focusing on the scale 

The scale can serve as a weekly reminder of your goals, keeping you focused and motivated throughout your weight loss journey. Weekly weigh ins may also allow you to identify potential plateaus and make necessary adjustments to your exercise routine or diet. However, the scale’s numbers can dictate your mood and self-worth. Fluctuations in water retention can make the scale a fickle friend. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat, but it’s also leaner and more metabolically active. 

3.Being too restrictive  

Severely restricting your calorie intake signals your body to conserve energy, slowing down your metabolism. This can make losing weight more challenging in the long run. When you banish all your favourite foods, they become even more tempting. Those cravings can lead to binge-eating episodes, derailing your progress and leaving you feeling defeated. 

4.Not eating enough protein  

Protein is the building block for muscle growth, which boosts your metabolism. When you lose weight, you want to shed fat, not muscle. Protein stabilises your blood sugar levels and increases feelings of fullness, reducing cravings and snacking. 

5.Not eating enough fibre  

Foods rich in fibre e.g. wholegrains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, take longer to digest, leaving you feeling satisfied and curbing cravings later in the day. Fibre aids in proper digestion and prevents constipation, reducing bloating and making you feel lighter and more comfortable. By slowing down the absorption of sugar, fibre helps regulate your blood sugar levels. This, in turn, prevents sudden spikes and crashes, keeping your energy levels stable throughout the day. 

6.Not drinking enough fluids 

Often, our bodies confuse thirst with hunger, leading us to eat unnecessarily. By keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day, you can avoid those false hunger signals and better differentiate between thirst and hunger. Dehydration can make you feel tired, lethargic, and less motivated to exercise. 

7.Poor sleep 

When you’re sleep-deprived, your body seeks quick sources of energy. Lack of sleep messes with the hormones that control hunger, leading to increased cravings for unhealthy snacks. Sleep deprivation not only drains your energy but also affects your motivation to hit the gym. Lack of sleep can also leave you feeling irritable, stressed, and emotionally drained. Unfortunately, these feelings often trigger emotional eating as a coping mechanism.  

8.Non hungry eating  

Many turn to food for comfort, stress relief, or even boredom. By eating when we’re not physically hungry, we’re often using food as an emotional crutch. When we eat without hunger cues, it becomes challenging to gauge appropriate portion sizes. Non-hungry eating often involves reaching for unhealthy snacks or processed foods.  

9.Not being prepared  

Planning your meals ahead of time ensures you have healthy, nourishing options readily available, helping you avoid those tempting, calorie-packed snacks. Being prepared allows you to track your progress effectively. Lack of preparation can leave you vulnerable to impulsive decisions, especially when faced with unhealthy choices.  

10.Eating out too frequently  

Restaurants often add sneaky extras like dressings, cooking fats and high-calorie sauces. These hidden calories can quickly add up and derail your weight loss journey. Eating out often means larger portion sizes, filled with more calories than we may realise. It’s easy to lose track of how much we’re actually consuming when faced with those tempting plates.   

Do you find yourself on a weight loss hamster wheel you can’t seem to get off?  

It sounds like it’s time to have some professional support. Book a FREE call today with our friendly team today to learn more about how The BMI Clinic can help you finally achieve your weight loss goals.