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6 foods you can meal prep now to make tomorrow easier

6 foods you can meal prep now to make tomorrow easier

By Christina Ross – Accredited Practising Dietitian

Is meal prep a part of your weekly food routine? Or do you have every intention of giving it a go, but feel you need to commit all of Sunday afternoon to get it done?  

While spending time in the kitchen to prepare a meal or two for the week ahead can be very handy, you don’t always need hours to effectively organise healthy meals or ingredients for the week ahead. 

 Here are 6 simple meal prep tasks you can complete in less than 20 minutes, that will help set your week up for healthy eating success. 

  1. Prepare your veg  Chop a selection of veggies into various sizes for snacking or to use in your mid-week meals, such as curries or stirfries. Store in an airtight container in the fridge to keep them fresh. 
  2. Wash salad leaves – Eliminate one step from your salad prep by pre-washing and storing your leafy greens in between sheets of paper towel. 
  3. Make breakfast  Shortcut your morning routine by having your breakfast ready to go. You might like to prepare a batch of overnight oats, bircher muesli, porridge or a veggie-packed frittata for the week ahead.
  4. Portion your snacks – Keep your portion sizes in check while also saving time by dividing out snacks like dry roasted nuts, roasted chickpeas, hummus or natural popcorn into small, individual containers.
  5. Cook a grain – Quinoa, pearl barley or brown rice are wholesome accompaniments to dinner meals and add a wholegrain fibre boost to lunch salads.
  6. Stock the freezer  If you have a little more time up your sleeve, you might like to cook a dish that freezes well, such as a casserole, curry, stew, soup or bolognaise sauce. Portion out the quantity you’d require for a lunch or dinner meal, so you’ll have a healthy plan B meal on hand for when you need it. 

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