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7 tips to help you stick to your new years resolutions

By Alexandra Solomon – Accredited Practising Dietitian

New Year, New You!  

At least that is often the intention as one-year ends, and a promising new year is just around the corner. 

But…how often is this actually the case?  

A 2020 study of 1066 people found that only 55% of participants kept their new year’s resolutions, with the most popular resolutions revolving around physical health, weight loss and eating habits.1 

Are you tired of making health resolutions that fizzle out by February? It’s no secret that staying committed to your health goals can be challenging as the year progresses. But fear not, because 2024 is your year to shine!   

Here are our 7 top tips to help you stay on track and achieve those health and weight loss resolutions:  

  1. Small Steps, Big Wins: Break down your resolutions into achievable, bite-sized goals. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day! By taking small, consistent steps, you’ll be amazed at the progress you can make.  
  2. Buddy Up: Team up with a friend or family member who shares similar goals. Having a support system not only makes the journey more enjoyable, but it also keeps you accountable and motivated. 
  3.  Mix It Up:  Don’t let boredom get the best of you! Explore different recipes, workout routines and activities to keep things interesting. From yoga to dancing to outdoor adventures, find something that sparks joy and keeps you excited to move.  
  4. Track Your Progress: Celebrate your victories along the way! Keep a journal or use a fitness app to monitor your progress. Seeing how far you’ve come can reignite your motivation during those challenging moments.  
  5.  Treat Yo’ Self (Occasionally): Remember, balance is key! Allow yourself the occasional treat or cheat meal. Deprivation often leads to frustration, so indulge wisely and savour those “guilty pleasures” guilt-free.  
  6. Find Your ‘Why’: Dig deep and discover your personal motivation for making these resolutions. Whether it’s to feel more confident, improve your overall well-being, or set a positive example for loved ones, let your “why” be your guiding light.  
  7. Celebrate Non-Scale Victories: Remember that health isn’t just about the numbers on the scale. Celebrate the non-scale victories too, like increased energy, improved sleep, or feeling more mentally resilient. These wins are just as important and deserve recognition!  

This year let’s break the cycle of abandoned resolutions and make 2024 the year of unstoppable commitment. You’ve got this. 

Now, here’s a question to consider… are you ready to take your health and weight loss journey to the next level?  

Consider what will work best for you in achieving your goals. Is it lifestyle support in isolation? Such as nutrition, behaviour, and exercise? Or, perhaps you might explore options like weight loss medication or weight loss procedures to help finally get you there. 

 It’s essential to find the approach that suits your unique needs and preferences! 

If you’re serious about making a positive change this year, why not book a free call with our expert team? Our knowledgeable professionals will provide personalised guidance, obligation-free!