3 exercise tips for busy people

By The BMI Clinic’s Exercise Team

We’ve all been there, setting out with the best intentions to commit to an exercise program…and then life happens. “Being too busy” is one of the most common barriers to exercise we hear, so why not try some of our top tips to help you find time to move your body!

1. Get it out of the way first

If you’ve got a busy day ahead, try squeezing a workout in first thing in the morning. Not only does it give you more energy across the day, it will also lift your mood, boost your metabolism and is one less thing for you to worry about. Increasing the intensity (ie. how high your heart rate gets) of your workout means you can exercise for less time in total. This way, you can work smarter, not harder! Try 20 minutes of interval style training per day by walking outside, on a treadmill, cross trainer or even trail a free high intensity circuit workout app like 8Fit.

2. Book it in

If mornings aren’t your thing, try blocking out some time later in the day to exercise. Treating it like an appointment that you must keep works to make it a part of your routine. Without creating a concrete schedule like this, most people find that too many other things will come up and take priority.

3. Make your own gym… at home!

Feel like you can’t even find the time to make it the gym? Well why not bring the gym to you? Invest in some cheap exercise equipment like resistance bands, kettle bells or dumbbells so you can squeeze in a workout when you have a spare moment at home. Every little bit counts!