By Amelia Kranz – Accredited Practising Dietitian

Cottage cheese is a versatile ingredient that has been enjoying a resurgence in popularity thanks to TikTok food trends. With its high protein and low fat content, cottage cheese makes a wonderful base for nutritious snacks that won’t derail your weight loss progress. Here are 5 simple and delicious snacks you can try:  

  1. A classic pairing – cottage cheese topped with fresh fruit, such as sliced peaches, berries, or diced mango, which provides a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and natural sweetness. Aim for 80-100g cottage cheese and ¼ cup fruit (~½ peach).
  2. Combine cottage cheese with chopped raw nuts, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. The crunch of the nuts with the creaminess of the cheese makes for a texturally satisfying treat.*
  3. For a savoury option, try spreading cottage cheese onto whole-grain crackers (e.g. brown rice cakes, Vita-Weat) and topping with sliced cucumber or tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper as desired.
  4. Create a delicious dip by blending 1/3 cup cottage cheese with a handful of dill or basil leaves, a squeeze of lemon juice and a garlic clove. Serve with vegetable sticks for dipping.*
  5. For something more decadent, blitz cottage cheese with cocoa powder and a splash of maple syrup to create a chocolatey pudding-like dessert.  

Remember to only include snacks between meals if you feel genuinely hungry.  

*Nuts and raw vegetables may be difficult to digest if you have an intragastric balloon. Consult your Dietitian.  

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5 Healthy Snacks Using Cottage Cheese

By Amelia Kranz - Accredited Practising Dietitian Cottage cheese is a versatile ingredient that has been enjoying a resurgence in popularity thanks to TikTok food trends. With its high protein and low [...]