By Amelia Kranz – Accredited Practising Dietitian

Ahhh the sandwich: a favourite throw-together meal filled with tasty ingredients and nostalgia for our childhood packed lunches. At least that’s what they used to be, but somewhere along the way, the sandwich (more specifically, BREAD) was demonised and the idea that carbs are bad became popular opinion. The truth is, sandwiches and wraps can be a nutrient-packed option that make a balanced meal. Try the following smart swaps to get the best nutritional value out of your sandwich:  

Reduce saturated fats 

Try spreading ¼ avocado, or a tablespoon of hummus or cottage cheese in place of butter. These choices are much lower in saturated fat, and the avocado and hummus will also help to give you a boost of heart-healthy unsaturated fats.  

Increase fibre 

Ditch low-fibre, refined white bread for a multigrain or wholemeal alternative. Not only will this benefit your gut health but the extra fibre will help to keep you feeling satisfied throughout the afternoon. Take the opportunity to add some extra salad as well – grated carrot, sliced tomato, cucumber and baby spinach are some great options to help you reach your 5 veggie serves a day. 

Add lean protein  

Utilise leftover cold meats or opt for lean protein alternatives like smoked salmon, tinned tuna, egg, reduced fat cheese or grilled tofu. Experiment with flavoursome combos such as shredded chicken breast and avocado with chilli jam, smoked salmon with cream cheese plus sliced cucumber and dill, or grilled honey-soy tofu with finely diced coleslaw and coriander.  

Make smart-carb swaps  

There are plenty of savvy products on the market now that make it easy to meet your nutrient goals – whether it’s increasing fibre, lowering carbohydrate, or increasing protein, I guarantee there’ll be a bread product that ticks all the boxes. Some of my favourite lower carb and higher protein breads include Aldi’s Baker’s Life, Herman Brot and Alpine Breads.  

10 Reasons Why Eating Slowly Is Hard

By Ginette Lenham- Registered Counseller 10 Reasons Why Eating Slowly Is Hard  Are you a fast eater? Don't worry, you're not alone!   One thing we encourage our patients to do is to [...]