By Juliana Neander – Exercise Specialist

We all count down to having some time off, to enjoy holidays, go away or just relaxing at home. But is seems that holidays are always a period where routine often is upside down. From endless to-do lists, family visiting and kids at home all day long makes this time of year relaxing yet chaotic. 

Staying active is important to maintain that self-care moment and health-maintenance until you are back to the good old routine. So here are some easy-to-follow tips to stay active. 


1.Plan you schedule 

Planning ahead of holidays can save you some time and stress from making last-minute decisions. Check out your options depending on your plans for holidays: 

  •  If you are in a hotel check if they have a pool or gym and take some time for a few laps or a short workout 
  • If staying with family, bring your set of elastic bands or ask them if they have home equipment, you can even do a group session and have some family quality time  
  • Know the area you are going to and see if they have parks or walking trails you can use 


2. Make it simple 

  • You won’t always make it to the gym and that is alright, make your workouts simple and convenient and don’t stress out! Go out for a long walk instead of your usual cardio class at the gym, ride a bike while enjoying the area you’re staying in and spend some time with your friends and family. Prioritize body weight exercises or with free weights as it is easier to adapt a workout if there are no machines. Also consider packing resistance bands, they are convenient and incredibly light 


3.Adjust your frequency 

Know how many sessions you can realistically make during your holidays so you can find balance and ajdust your expectations during holidays. Over this time: 

  • Consider reducing the number of sessions per week to fit into your traveling plans 
  • Remember that this period is only for maintenance and not for fitness improvement, so you don’t need to exercise every day 
  • An average of 120-180min of exercise per week in moderate to high intensity is sufficient to maintain fitness level 

Put these three simple tips into action and enjoy your holidays! 

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